Monday, April 9, 2018

7 Renovation Projects That Add Value to Your Home

There are all sorts of home renovations and upgrades out there, and it can be hard to sort through the options and choose what's best for your home and family. Whether it's insurance claims, kitchen remodels or roof repairs, your expert Wichita roofers and contractors can help with whatever you may need for your home or business. Here are some energy-efficient and value-increasing projects for inspiration:

7 Projects That Add Value to Your Home

Many projects do add value to your home, and improve your family’s quality of life. By working on these projects now, you can enjoy the benefits and updates. If you make green upgrades, then you can also start recouping your investment in these green energy technologies once you complete the projects.

Some home improvement projects that add value to a home include:

1. Remodeling the Kitchen

Most people consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home, and because of this, updates in this room pay off. According to HGTV, you can expect to recoup 60%-120% of your investment on a kitchen remodel, as long as you don’t go overboard. You should never make your kitchen fancier than the rest of the house, or the neighborhood.

A Little Paint Goes a Long Way
When it comes to how much you spend on a kitchen remodel, prices can run the gamut, from $5,000 to $75,000, or more. Get the biggest bang for your buck on a kitchen remodel by looking at color. Fresh paint, in modern colors, can go a long way towards updating the look of your kitchen. Plus, paint is relatively cheap.

You might want to consider using low-VOC paint; this makes your kitchen more eco-friendly, and helps your family avoid breathing in dangerous chemicals, like benzene, that off-gas from regular fresh paint.

2. Bathroom Addition

If your home only has one bathroom, you can recoup a large chunk of your investment by adding another one. HGTV estimates that you can recoup 80%-130% of whatever you spend adding a bathroom.

When it comes to finding room in your house for an extra bathroom, take a look at any extra rooms or underutilized spaces. Consider other spaces, such as closets or areas under the stairs, too. If you want a half-bath you need at least 18 square feet. If you want a full bath, including a stand-up shower, you need at least 30 square feet. If you want a bathtub, make sure you have at least 35 square feet to work with for a bathroom addition.

3. Reinventing a Room

Adding more square footage to your home with a new room can be an incredibly expensive project. Although you can recoup some of your investment, anywhere from 50%-83%, this project’s costs can quickly spin wildly out of control. Just turn on any of those home remodeling TV shows; projects that start off with a $15,000 budget quickly turn into $30,000 or more when homeowners and contractors run into unexpected problems.

Reinvent the existing space in your home to save money. Finish a basement, or convert the attic to a bedroom.

Before you demolish walls and rafters, try to think about the ways that you, and potential buyers, can use the space:

  • Versatile rooms have greater appeal to potential buyers.
  • Basements frequently work well as second living rooms, or game rooms. Many people also turn this space into a small apartment for an aging relative or a tenant.
  • Attic spaces often work well for craft rooms and game rooms, especially if they have high ceilings. If you have kids, you can add swings to the rafters, and create a cool play room just for them.

4. Adding Energy-Efficient Windows

These days, buyers shop for homes with energy efficiency in mind. Old, drafty single-pane windows are a major turn off. Energy Star claims that adding Energy Star-rated windows can save you up to $500 a year in heating and cooling costs by making your home more energy efficient.

According to HGTV, you can expect to recoup 60%-90% of your costs when you invest in energy-efficient windows. You can also receive a green energy tax credit of 10% for this upgrade, as long as you install Energy Star-rated windows. You might also qualify for additional credits from your state, or even your utility company.

5. Deck Addition

Adding a deck increases the value of your home. Outdoor living spaces have become more desirable, especially since more people stay home for vacation (i.e. referred to as a staycation). If you make your deck and your backyard more appealing, your house will be more appealing to prospective buyers when you decide to sell. HGTV claims that homeowners recoup 65%-90% of their investment by adding a deck.

The cost of adding a deck to your home varies widely. Everything depends on its size, and how many bells and whistles you want added, like built-in seating, multiple stairs, built-in flower pots, and the size of the deck. Decks can cost anywhere from $1,200 to $10,000, or more. Again, it all depends on the design and materials used.

6. Energy-Efficient Insulation

If your home lacks basic insulation, and has old doors that let in plenty of hot and cold air, home inspectors working with potential buyers will include this in their reports. Homes that haven’t been modified with energy efficiency in mind cost more to live in and maintain.

Updating your home to save energy doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and can make your home more appealing to potential buyers. You can save $2,500 or more each year just by making some changes. For example, you can add extra insulation to your attic for $200 or less, and this small change can save you hundreds each year on your utility bill.

Seal cracks around the house to save even more money on energy costs, and to make your home more appealing to buyers. The U.S. Department of Energy (USDE) estimates that the average house has enough leaks to equal a 3×3 foot hole in the wall. You can find leaks in your home during the winter. Anytime you feel a draft or cold spot, you’re in an area that leaks air.

You can often discover leaks, and areas that need more insulation, in these areas:

  • Around doors and windows
  • Around electrical sockets and light switches
  • In recessed lighting
  • Around the attic hatch
  • In the basement
  • Anywhere ducts or wires go outside the house

7. Basic Updates

Basic updates add the most value to your home. Keep the paint fresh, fix the roof when it leaks, replace wood that rots, and get rid of any mold that you find. These types of chores keep your home from deteriorating over time. Buyers want a healthy, solid, safe home, and they look carefully for signs of routine maintenance.

I’ve replaced the electric wiring in my home, repainted the outside, replaced the plumbing, and repainted the interior. These projects keep my home in tip-top shape so that when I do decide to try and sell again, buyers will see a well-cared-for home.



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